Urinary tract infection in nursing home residents


Symptoms of urinary tract infection (UTI) in the elderly are often non-specific, leading to overdiagnosis and unnecessary antibiotic treatment. The project includes a diagnostic study in which point-of-care measurement of C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT) are compared for their test characteristics in diagnosing UTI in nursing home residents.

We will assess the additional predictiveness of non-specific symptoms for a UTI, leading to a potential risk prediction model based on a combinatiaon of specific and non-specific symptoms of UTI. Such a model will greatly enhance diagnostic capacity in the nursing home setting, as conventional urine cultures are difficult to obtain and perform.

The study includes a social science component that addresses strategies needed to implement new diagnostic procedures, including adoption by the health care staff, implementation in daily practice, and incorporation of new tests in local and national guidelines.

Funding: The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)

Project partners: Amsterdam University Medical Centers, location AMC

Timing: 2017 -

Frank van Leth
Associate Professor, Head section International Health
